Muscle pain
Muscle pain
We are in continuous movement, playing sports, working, or carrying out leisure activities. Due to this, our body may suffer from injuries that cause muscle pain.
As its name indicates, muscle pain is that pain whose origin or manifestation occurs in any part of the body’s musculature. It is a very common pain which can affect more than one muscle and other structures such as ligaments, tendons, or fasciae.
To avoid muscle pain, the following is recommended:
In addition to following good daily health habits, it is essential to correctly warm up before exercise and stretch afterward.
In the event that you remain in a fixed position or your movements are repeated for long periods of time, it is advisable to rest and move every hour.
It should be noted that in the event of injury, it is essential to act quickly so that the injury does not worsen; for example, by applying soothing solutions.

A gel that soothes, refreshes, and moisturizes the affected area, providing comfort and wellbeing thanks to its high content of CBD (0.3%) and extracts of calendula, arnica, myrrh, and aloe vera.
Products of Muscle pain
Ykodol ®
A gel that soothes, refreshes, and moisturizes the affected area, providing comfort and wellbeing thanks to its high content of CBD (0.3%) and extracts of calendula, arnica, myrrh, and aloe vera.