Our work is based on
Products that are
Solutions made from plant extracts, vitamins and minerals..
We strive to improve people’s health and quality of life by restoring the body’s physiological functions and providing an alternative to aggressive therapies whenever possible.

Learn more about our

Medical products that stand out for their composition and are focused on treating the pathology without interfering with pathophysiological mechanisms.

Dietary supplements with complex and precise formulations to restore physiological functions and ensure well-being.

Product ranges that offer high-quality daily support, delivered through innovative formats.
This season
Calmyzen® Complete
Helps calm nerves during periods of anxiety
Calmyzen® Instant
Ayuda a calmar en momentos de agobio
Serydorm® Complete
To feel well rested
Serydorm® Instant
To fall asleep
Bemory® Kids
Boosts children’s concentration. Perfect for academic performance.
Vitalynk Defensas
Helps your immune system
Respyvital® Propolis
Indicated for pathologies with secretions (cold, flu, congestion, etc.).
Ykodol ®
A gel that soothes, refreshes, and moisturizes the affected area, providing comfort and wellbeing thanks to its high content of CBD (0.3%) and extracts of calendula, arnica, myrrh, and aloe vera.
Serylax Syrup
100% natural syrup with a high fiber content and with kiwi and plum.
Serylax Sachets
100% natural with a high fiber content and with kiwi and plum.

Rinitis: Causas, síntomas y cómo abordarla
Se suele creer que la rinitis es algo relativo a la primavera o el otoño, y que tiene que ver con la alergia. Sin embargo, podemos padecerla también en invierno[...]
Abeto balsámico: Beneficios para la salud
Seguro que en muchos hogares está colocado el típico abeto de Navidad, también denominado abeto balsámico. No cabe duda de sus grandes virtudes como ornamento, pero más allá de ello,[...]
Sequedad nasal: Causas y soluciones
Con la llegada del invierno, en que son cada vez más comunes las bajas temperaturas y las condiciones climatológicas adversas como el viento, sufrimos especialmente ciertos tipos de molestias, como[...]